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A intense space shoot ’em up that challenges you to fight across two battlefields on one splitscreen. PC / Mac / Linux / Nintendo Switch


  • A new type of shoot’em up: Fast Dual-Screen vertical shoot’em up with teleportation.
  • Rich science fiction adventure: Teleport your way across the multiverse fighting the ultimate threat, meet new races and allies. Unfold the secrets of your past and the creators of the Dimension Drives. Become a legendary space pilot.
  • Clever mix of three mechanics: A seamless combination of levels focusing on strategic shooting and real-time puzzles will make you question what you know about shoot'em ups.
  • 2 games on your screen: Multitask and single-handedly fight 2 shoot’em ups side-by-side.
  • 4 difficulty modes: Normal, Hard, Extreme and WTF! Offer different challenges for different play styles. Play with shields in Normal, or go to the old-school route with one hit kills in Hard and Extreme. If you are up for the challenge try WTF! and try your luck at beating the game with one single hit.
  • Single player and local co-op: Play solo or enjoy our unique take on 2 player mode: total cooperative where both players share everything down to their lives, play as a team or die.
  • The Multiverse: Finished the story mode? Don't worry, we got you covered. One new level releases every 2 weeks for you to challenge your friends and claim the highest score. Become the best pilot in The Multiverse!
  • Comicbook art style: Video game meets comic. Experience the story of Jack through the motion comics and awe at the colour rich in-game comic art style. Who said space was black?
  • Energy management: The Manticore is powered by the Dimension Drive energy. Carefully strategize and decide when and where are the best places to teleport.
  • Advanced scoring system: Obtain the best score in the leaderboards.
  • Teleportation! (We said that already, didn't we?)


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The universe is composed of infinite dimensions. Many millennia ago, in one of these dimensions the Ashajuls rose to power. Spaceflight granted them total domination of their galaxy. They rapidly conquered other races, turning them into slaves to further expand their war-machine.

Terror, oppression and desolation reached every corner of the universe. But the Ashajuls wanted more. The discovery of the Dimension Drive allowed them to start a war to conquer all the infinite dimensions of the universe. The Dimension Wars will last forever…

Jackelyne Tywood (a.k.a Jack) is the only survivor of her race, obliterated by the Ashajuls. She was found orbiting planet Vain inside The Manticore when she was only a child along with her personal guardian artificial intelligence, V.E.R.A. The Manticore is the only known ship in the universe with Dimension Drive capability besides the Ashajuls. At the age of 14 she was already the best pilot in Vain’s fleet. The only recollection of her past is a data cube with a recording of her father last words:

“Jack, run! Live, be happy. We love you!”